Achieving Brand Love

Our North Star Desire framework is designed to build and maintain emotional connections between brands and their customers.

Achieving Brand Love

Our North Star Desire framework is designed to build and maintain emotional connections between brands and their customers.

Achieving Brand Love

Our North Star Desire framework is designed to build and maintain emotional connections between brands and their customers.


A leading ecommerce fashion retailer enjoys "high satisfaction" but isn't loved. They wanted to understand the underlying factors that contributes, achieves, and maintains emotional connections with their customers.


For winning hearts and creating bonds to maintaining a meaningful relationship over the longterm, we employed a structured, emotionally informed approach. The aim is to elevate customer perceptions from a transactional nature to a meaningful relationship focused on their customers' singular desire. Our North Star Desire framework is purpose built for complex challenges like this one. Four steps to achieve enduring bonds:

  1. We looked at success stories — we held ethnographic interviews with customers of brands that are beloved to deeply understand what they equate as contributors to the feelings they enjoy when interacting with the brands.
  2. We analyzed the fieldwork data to unveil what features, storytelling, technologies contributed to their excitement from an emotional perspective.
  3. We then dig deeper to find patterns or underlying themes to establish the North Star Desire.
  4. Once the North Star Desire was established we had the knowledge to put together quick wins that can be deployed in the short-term along with a longterm strategy toward elevating the brand from being focussed on internal processes to becoming hyper-focused on their customers' North Star Desire.

The North Star Desire initiative has brought a 22% growth in revenue through reduced funnel leakage and increased customer referrals. The initiative continues to bring dividends by building emotional connections and successfully maintaining them.